We Need More Buses on route 63 from Thiruvekadu to Ambattur01 Oct, 2018We Need More Buses on route 63 from Thiruvekadu to AmbatturMetropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportSir, There is only 1 bus (63) per hour plying on the route from Thiruvekadu to Ambattur Estate and there sometimes the buses are not there during afternoon from 1 to 3.30 p.m.. It is very difficult for School Students, Women and the elderly to commute on this route. Please at least ply two small mini busess from Thiruvekadu via Ayyapakam to Ambattur Estate.
More Buses Please: Route No. 1A17 Jul, 2017More Buses Please: Route No. 1AMetropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportHi sir,
We need more buses in this route there are many people who is troubling. -
More Buses Please: From THIRUVANMIYUR To TAMBARAM17 Jul, 2017More Buses Please: From THIRUVANMIYUR To TAMBARAMMetropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportHi Sir,
We need more buses from thiruvanmiyur to tambaram, there are no buses in this route.
Timing(s) : 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM
More Buses, PleaseMore Buses, Please is a hosted platform to help people request additional bus services in specific neighbourhoods in their cities.
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Missing LinksArterial roads that are not connected to any other large paths, thus resulting in an incomplete network for mobility in the city.
ADMIN LOGIN, Accepted, Oct 6, 2018